How Fast Do Pubes Really Grow?

Follicles, can you just slow down?
POV: After blocking off hours on your calendar to manscape, you see a hair growing back as you're stepping out of the shower. What the follicles…
If you’ve been in this situation you’re probably wondering, how fast do pubes actually grow? Many of us have thought about this amongst the constant agonizing grooming. We put our research skills to the test to find out the straight facts on just how fast your pubes are coming back. We can’t promise you the secret on how to shave once a year, but we can prepare you for the next time you will need to whip out your BALLS™ Trimmer.
Why should we care about how fast your pubes grow?
In short, pubes grow fast. Really fast. I’m sure many of us wish that the Caveman level of hair was socially acceptable, but unfortunately he hasn’t landed a date since the Paleolithic Era. As humans, we are genetically motivated by our social norms (cue the 80’s bush flashback), and when it comes down to it, motivated by getting laid. So what does this mean for you? Well, it means maintaining your pubic hair, and here are the reasons behind it:
Love Life
Imagine this, you are on a date that it seems like it’s going ~too~ well. After dinner, one thing leads to another and you find yourself back at her place. Your dream collides with her horror scene when you find yourself stunted by the sight of your huge bush. Mood. Killed.
So let’s put this into numbers: According to a recent study from Prim & Prep, the majority of women (64%) prefer trimmed pubic hair over natural. Common responses about trimming were “I would be more likely to please them orally if they were clean shaven” and “there is less genital odor when clean shaven”. It’s no secret that taking care of yourself, especially down stairs, has a positive impact on your love life.
Let’s face it, being well groomed is a state of mind where you have taken charge of your image and nothing can stand in your way. Fresh starts just make you feel better: a crisp haircut from your barber, getting fitted for a new suit, and having a freshly shaven…. You get it. There is no shame in taking pride in your appearance, especially in intimate places. So put a pep in your step, and smile on your face with your freshly shaven sack.
You’re in the supermarket. Imagine seeing two fruits next to each other; the fruit on the left is smooth, shiny, and appealing while the fruit on the right is hairy, looks dirty, and there might even be insects in there.
Which one are you going to pick up and put into your basket?
Letting your pubic hair grow can lead to public lice (known as crabs), which can be trapped bacteria as well. These factors make it much harder to be hygienic, overall, less hair less irritation and odor!

So how fast do pubes grow?
All hair on your body grows in three phases: growth, stagnation, and fall out. Pubic hair follows the same pattern as any other hair on your body. In a typical cycle, the entire three-phase process takes 30-44 days, according to a doctor at Men's Health.
You can count on your pubes growing back at a steady rate of ⅛ inch per week, or 1 cm every three weeks.
There are other factors that can influence hair growth rates such as hormones, and medication. Lower amounts of androgens in men can result in hair loss, and baldness. The hair on your head follows a much more spread out process, taking up to 7 years for hair to fall out. This creates the illusion that your pubic hair is growing back quite faster than the rest of your hair because you're noticing the shorter hair coming back. Do you have a pubic style you are going for? Refer, or refer a friend to this chart to determine how long you need to wait to style downstairs:
Length of Time |
Length of Pubic Growth |
1 month |
1.27 cm |
2 month |
2.54 cm |
6 months |
7.62 cm |
12 months |
15.24 cm |
After a year, you can have nearly 16 CM of pubic hair… After that dedication, you’re still not ahead of the longest pubic hair recorded, Maori Vi in South Africa. Her pubic hair measured in at OVER 71 CENTIMETERS LONG. Let’s just say it reached her knees!
How often should I shave my pubes?
Baby Balls
We get it. You’re over any irritation down there and you're ready to be as smooth as a pinball. If this is the shave you are going for we suggest an every 3 day shave. For this you will need your BALLS™ Trimmer, a flashlight, a mirror, and a good stiff drink because you will be here awhile in order to kill every hair scene with the human eye.
Modern Trim
The cool guy trim. The “smoke a cigarette while looking into the sky” trim. You want to maintain a clean shave, but act like you don’t take care of yourself too much. For this trim we recommend a light shave every week during your morning or evening routine. Use your trimer, and shave lightly enough for an “effortless” look.
No judgement. This trim is going to need backup. You’ve gone rouge, you're in a dry spell, or you’re shaving for the first time. You don’t know where your BALLS™ USB charging cord is or the last time you even saw it. For this shave, you will need to find your trimmer every month
Whether your jam is baby balls or the wildebeest, we’re putting you onto the best way to shave your balls, literally. Our BALLS experts have put together their go-to shaving routine, with the products they use for an effortless, snag-free shave. Add a BALLS™ Trimmer to your sack today! You won't want to miss out on this perfect pair (you and your balls... trimmer).