

Fácil de usar


Establecer longitud de recorte

Archibald ofrece tres opciones de longitud: 3 mm, 4,5 mm y 6 mm. Elige el accesorio de peine que se adapte a tus preferencias y necesidades de cuidado. Simplemente coloca el accesorio de longitud preferida en el cabezal de corte hasta que encaje en su lugar de forma segura.

Hold The Archibald firmly in your hand, taking advantage of its no-slip grip. Start trimming or shaving in gentle, even strokes, moving against the direction of hair growth for optimal results.

Thanks to its SackSafe™ guard system, you can groom worry-free, knowing that accidental nicks are a thing of the past.


Trim parallel to your skin. Pull skin tight to avoid nicks and cuts. Take your time, and try not to dig as you go. If you need a closer shave, carefully remove the guide.


Antes de intentar quitar la cuchilla, asegúrate de que Archibald esté apagado y desconectado de cualquier fuente de alimentación para evitar accidentes.

Take a moment to inspect the trimmer head and familiarize yourself with its components. Locate the blade housing and surrounding parts to identify where the blade is positioned.

Gently push the blade upward. Apply slight pressure and carefully pull the blade assembly away from the trimmer head. The blade should slide out smoothly without excessive force.

Once the blade is removed, you can proceed with cleaning it thoroughly using the provided brush. If necessary, replace the blade with a new one.


Para comenzar, coloca la nueva cuchilla alineada con la carcasa de la cuchilla en The Archibald. Asegúrate de que la cuchilla esté orientada correctamente, con las muescas o ranuras guía coincidentes con las ranuras o guías correspondientes en el cabezal de corte.

With the new blade properly aligned, gently press it into place within the blade housing. Apply even pressure to ensure that the blade is securely inserted and seated correctly within the trimmer head.

After inserting the new blade, double-check to ensure that it is firmly secured within the trimmer head. Wiggle the blade slightly to confirm that it does not come loose or move excessively.

Activar el bloqueo de viaje

La función de bloqueo de viaje le permite empacar y transportar su recortadora sin preocuparte de que se encienda por error cuando está en su bolsa de viaje.

Press the power button for 8-10 seconds. Once you see the flickering light in the power button, it means that the travel lock is activated.

To deactivate the travel lock, press the power button for 8-10 seconds again. If you trimmer fails to turn on, make sure that it is fully charged and try again.

If you are sure that the trimmer is charged, try pressing the power button a bit longer and it will come back alive.