Are Shaved Balls More Attractive Than Hairy Balls?

Are Shaved Balls More Attractive Than Hairy Balls? - BALLS


Do you find shaved balls more attractive than a hairy pair? Many women do and they don't care who knows it. In fact, some people even get excited when they see their partner's freshly-shaved balls. They're all about how smooth and tight their sack looks after the hair removal process has taken place. But what if your partner prefers to keep his pubes intact? Are shaved balls better than hairy ones? Is there an ultimate verdict on this subject that we can all agree on once and for all? Let's take a closer look at both sides of this debate:

Nobody likes a shaggy dog story, or a shaggy pair of balls.

Nobody likes a shaggy dog story, or a shaggy pair of balls. If you're looking for love and companionship, it's time to get your balls in check.

While some guys think that having hairless balls is less attractive than having hairy ones, we respectfully disagree—and so do plenty of women who have told us so (and then they asked us to show them our smooth testicles).

And there are scientific reasons why shaved balls are better than hairy ones: The hair on the scrotum tends to be coarser than other body hair and can trap heat underneath if left unshaved in warm weather; this can lead to an uncomfortable feeling called "ball sweat." Plus, shaving your scrotum helps prevent ingrown hairs from forming inside your sack—not only does this look unattractive when you're not erect but it also hurts like hell!

A recent survey found that men who shave their balls have considerably more sex than those who don't.

In a recent study, it was found that men who shave their balls have considerably more sex than those who don't. The study surveyed 500 men in various parts of the United Kingdom and asked them questions about how often they engaged in sexual intercourse. It also asked whether or not they shaved their balls on a regular basis and if so, how long it had been since they last did so.

The results were quite surprising: 75 percent of men who did not shave their balls reported having sex less frequently than once per week; however, this number dropped to just 15 percent for those with shorn scrotums. In terms of frequency, those with smooth sacs were having sex on average two to three times more often than those sporting furry testicles.

Hey, no one wants to kiss a prickly pear.

  • A trimmed ball is a happy ball.
  • Trimmed balls are more attractive.
  • Trimmed balls are easier to clean.
  • Trimmed balls are less likely to get smelly.
  • Trimmed balls are more likely to get touched, and licked (if you're into that sort of thing).

A hairless testicle is a happy testicle.

If you're one of the millions of men who shave their balls, then you're likely familiar with the benefits of doing so.

For starters, a hairless testicle is a happy testicle—and why wouldn't it be? It doesn't have to deal with pesky ingrown hairs or painful rashes anymore. It's also going to be a lot more comfortable than when it had hair on it, especially if you're using an electric trimmer like I do (I recommend this one).

Your partner will be more likely to look (and maybe touch) your balls if they're free of lint, stray hairs and dead skin.

Your partner will be more likely to look (and maybe touch) your balls if they're free of lint, stray hairs and dead skin. It's a much nicer experience for both parties if there isn't any hair in the way.

So shave smooth, my friend. Shave smooth!

Getting your balls trimmed is easy. All you need is the right tool for the job.

When it comes to grooming your balls, the less you have to do, the better. That's why the BALLS trimmer is so spectacular. It's a tool built SPECIFICALLY with your deez nuts in mind. It's waterproof, has sac safe technology which minimizes nicks and pulls. It's USB rechargeable and comes with an adjustable guard so you can choose your hair length. The bad ass blade is ceramic...which means no rusting and a longer-lasting blade that glides like butter. 

Buzzing your downstairs brain is a no-brainer with a tool like the BALLS trimmer. Easy to do, easy to keep clean, easy to maintain, easy breezy lemon squeezy. So not only is it EASY to trim, the benefits are remarkable. 

Shaved balls are more attractive and easier to get it on with!

Those with shaved balls are more attractive, and it's easier to get it on with them. It's a win-win situation!

Use the BALLS trimmer for a quick, painless, and effective trimming experience. 


So there you have it. Shaved balls are more attractive than hairy balls. We hope that this article has answered all of your questions and made you feel empowered to go forth into the world and shave your balls!